Liam loves his blankey!
Father's Day 2009
A Fun-Filled Saturday!
Wart Removal
Some background on this: Caden has a nasty little wart underneath his nose. It has been there for about three months, and I made an appt with the dermatologist so that they could take a look at it, but they can't get us in until August.
So anyway--I went to the eye doctor today and ended up getting out early. I decided to go ahead and get Caden. I arrive at the school and his whole class is on the playground, but he is not there. I immediately was concerned.
I went up to his after school teacher Miss Kailyn. Caden is not in trouble (thank goodness!) But Caden H., one of Caden's friends, pulled Caden's wart off his face and it was bleeding a lot, so they sent him to the office, and they were in the process of calling me about it.
I get to the office, and Caden is sitting there. His face has stopped bleeding, and the wart is completely gone! He smiles and says "Hi Mommy!"
We got in the car and I asked him what happened and this is what he said:
"Caden H. and I were playing doctor on the playground. Caden was the doctor and I was the kid. Caden H. asked me if I had anything that bothered me. I told him my wart was bothering me. Caden H. said let's just pull it off. So I let him pull it off!"
I asked "Did you cry?"
Caden says "No I didn't cry, but it hurted a lot!"
The kid cracks me up. I can't believe he let Caden H. pull it off. Now I just have to put Compound W on it and hope it doesn't come back. Miss Kailyn says maybe Caden H. will be a doctor, if so I don't think Caden will be a returning patient!
It's been awhile, but we're back
It looks pretty in the snow, doesn't it? This picture is actually from March, when we had our 2nd snowfall in 2 years here! Pretty amazing! My child may actually end up knowing what snow is, even though we live in the South!
2) March: We take a trip to New York to attend Pamela's wedding! It was amazing. We loved seeing everyone, and the kids enjoyed the trip as well. Caden thought the big buildings were amazing, but none of us were fond of the dirty subway. I was able to see my cousin Caitlin too which was great. I was also able to meet up with my good friend Katherine and her son Danny. We went to the "dinosaur" museum with them, and then spent some time playing at their apartment. It was great to see her and Danny!
3) April: Liam turns 1! The year went by so fast--bittersweet. My baby is growing up. He is still not walking, just crawling and cruises. He thinks it is funny when he lets go and stands by himself without holding on. He often claps his hands. He says "buh-buh," "ball," "car," and "Caden." He still loves cars, and he chooses to play with them over almost all other toys. He and his brother are now partaking in sibling rivalry quite frequently. Oh--the years I have to look forward to!
4) May: Caden finishes K3. Where has my baby gone? Caden is done with K3, and ready to move on up to K4. He is an amazing kid! He loves Science, animals, and swimming. He has a thirst for knowledge and loves to learn. I cherish the time we have together at night when we snuggle in his bed, and I read him a book. He is fiercely independent which sometimes frustrates his mother and father, but, I'm told eventually it will be a wonderful quality.
5) Caden starts t-ball. World of Organized Sports: BEWARE! Caden has now arrived. He is naturally left-handed, yet he wants to bat and catch right-handed. The first few practices, he stomped off the field because his glove didn't fit. It is slowly getting better. He now says he likes to go to t-ball. I think it also helps that the team is made up of kids who go to his school. He loves batting, but he doesn't quite get the concept of teamwork. He'd like to catch every ball that is hit, and no matter how many times I try to explain the concept of sportsmanship, he just doesn't get it.
That's the wrap!