Caden's Halloween Costume

Well it has been raining here for two days now, and we have gotten bored. The cold weather has come in, and it actually feels like Halloween will be here sooner than later. We haven't gotten a pumpkin yet, but the playgroup and I will go to the pumpkin patch for hay rides and pumpkin hunting this week if the rain stops.

I put Caden in his Halloween costume today. He was not too pleased as you can tell from the photo. I think he looks adorable in it, and he actually will keep the hood on his head which is a major feat.

He is battling a cold or allergies. I finally gave in and gave him some Benydryl Allergy and it seemed to clear up his runny nose. The good news is, he finally slept through the night last night. We were so excited! Then, he didn't wake up until 8 AM, and he was in the best mood ever.

Hopefully he'll have a good night tonight.

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